Friday, May 11, 2007
I've been accepted as a member several months ago into this awesome PayPerPost paid blogging service but only got my blog approved back on 22nd of March. Since then there have been no looking back and thus far the amount of tasks and advertisers have surpassed all the other platforms put together.

In this short amount of time, I have generated over USD400 in extra income with USD194 already paid to my Paypal account. I know there are many who are against paid blogging but if you select your tasks which are relevant to your blog, then it surely is complimentary. In this respect personal blogs such as this one would have an advantage so to speak since we can basically write about anything under the sun.

My plans are to use the funds I generate to build other online projects I have in mind which I have so far started 3 that would not have been possible if I never engage myself in the payperpost program.

Besides their amazing system, I think the team behind PayPerPost is extremely dedicated and creative. This can be seen by the way they effectively market themselves and the pride they get from their work.


posted by Daryl W.T. Lau at 00:45 |